New Releases for Mobile and Portal
We have a few changes being made this weekend for the Atrium. And the mobile changes will occur next week, July 10th.
For the online portal:
The Appointment Type for Client Provided Platform is being separated into Client Hosted OPI

And Client Hosted VRI

This will allow you to have greater transparency for your interpreters as to which type of appointment this is. Because of this change, we are also allowing you to indicate if your interpreters will accept VRI appointments and/or OPI appointments separately. Please note that all interpreters who are currently able to perform VRI services will be automatically approved to also perform OPI services.

Other changes include:
- To search for a consumer by phone number in the consumer database, use the format “XXX<space>XXX<space>XXXX” to pull up all results regardless of the format in which the phone number was entered.
- In the Access tab under Administration-Maintain Clients, all clients with access now show whether or not they are able to enter and delete users.
- There is an “i” icon over the Bill To on the request screen that will show the client notes for the Bill To client when clicked.
- When filtering based on the interpreter in the main jobs grid, any terminated and inactive interpreters will display their status next to their name. If there is no status, the interpreter is active.
As always, there are a few bugs that were squashed as well.
For the Mobile App:
- The default end time for activities being added for virtual assignments will be blank and the interpreter will not be able to save the activity without an end time. If the assignment is on-site, the end time will still default to the scheduled end time.
- If an assignment is scheduled for more than one hour, the estimated duration will be shown in hours instead of minutes.
- All requests with $0 due to the interpreter will no longer show in Submitted Jobs.
- The Submitted Jobs will be shown in descending order so that the most recent assignments are shown first.
- A warning message will show if the interpreter attempts to enter activities for an assignment that is a future date/time.
As always, there are some bug fixes and optimizations.